Category: Association
The National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) is celebrating the launch of its new software system to manage members, operations and sales. We wanted to highlight the top features on this site and congratulate this Association on using a total software solution to better serve their members and organization.
Cascade Employers Association is not only building better workplaces, they are innovatively creating an incredible member experience through the launch of their brand-new, fully integrated website.
Forcing your team to engage with a subpar system, in whatever capacity, can often lead to staff inefficiency and displeasure and member frustration or loss. Nobody wants that, right? Your membership management software should be an asset to your organization, not a hindrance. How will you know which yours is? If you’re experiencing one or more of the following issues, your current software could be hurting more than helping and in need of an upgrade.
When it comes to membership software, there is a lot to consider: features, cost, and whether or not it is a good fit for your business. To help you answer these questions, we've outlined six key questions to ask when searching for membership management software.
Any plan is only as good as your ability to execute it. Without board approval for the purchase of a new membership management software, your plans to promote the long-term viability of your organization are all but dead in the water. It stands to reason, though, that your board is as invested in organizational growth as you are, which is a good thing!
That common ground likely means that board members will be open to proposals that put your organization on the path to continued or renewed success. Presenting your desired membership management software using the following 5 steps should make adoption and investment a no-brainer.
The final (and likely selling) point of your board presentation revolves around the estimated cost of the prospective membership management software. Now it’s time to move beyond estimations and get down to brass tax. The following 4 steps will put you and your organization on the path to a manageable budget and organizational growth.
You’ve secured board approval. You’ve set a workable budget. What’s left to do? See if anyone wants to do business with you, of course! How might one do that, exactly? Crafting a solid Request for Proposal (RFP) is a good start. Including the following 4 sections in your RFP will go a long way in introducing your organization and its expectations effectively.